Monkey Studio (MkS) is a cross platform IDE written in C /Qt 4.
It's primary goal was to be a Qt 4 only IDE, but it evoluate a way to support Qt development and any kind of project.
Code editor features
Advanced, customizable code editor, based on QScintilla.
Syntax highlighting for more than 22 programming languages.
Automatic detection of End Of Line mode (\n, \r\n). You can work with files, which have Windows/Unix EOL symbols in same time and save it's original mode.
Automatic detection of indentation mode. Choose your preferred mode, or activate automatic detection to save original indentation of your files.
Templates wizard allows you to create files or projects from templates, provided by MkS Team, or from your own templates.
Code restyling You can quickly fix/update style of your code using embedded AStyle code beautifier.
Automatic completion based on contents of the current file, or on .api files for your language/libraries if available.
Code navigation
Search and replace engine allows you to search and replace text in the current file, or in a directory.
Navigator shows list of classes, methods, functions, variables... in the file and allows you to jump to a line of code, where the object is located. Navigation based on Exuberant Ctags supports 31 programming languages.
GNU Debugger integrated to the IDE available for any platform.